
Posts Tagged ‘Rescue’

Everything happened so fast I have not had a chance to tell you all about Karma.

Happy Stretch

Happy Stretch

Here’s the deal!

My company has a terminal close to Dallas, Texas and a few months ago I had seen a white dog hanging around, she just sat in front of the guard shack.

Everywhere around the terminal there were signs that said “Don’t feed the stray”. I asked the guard where she came from and he told me that she had puppies and had turned up last winter begging for food. He said he believed the puppies, now about 7 months old still lived on the other side of the fence in the adjacent junkyard. In fact, on my last visit to our terminal he told me he still sees them from time to time.

The mama dog, for some reason stayed at the guard shack, she just wouldn’t leave. Whenever the guard got up to check in the trucks, she got up and stood next to him. When he opened the gate, she herded the trucks in and returned to the doorway. When he made his rounds to do inventories of trailers she followed him and stopped when he stopped. (more…)

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